"In recent years, there has been increasing recognition that a larger and more representative variety of human populations is needed to investigate human cognition (Henrich et al., 2006; Haun & Nielsen, 2016). Despite this knowledge, the number of publications with participants from diverse cultural backgrounds has not increased (Nielsen, Haun, Kärtner, & Legare, 2017). In addition to the time-consuming, financial and logistical efforts of cross-cultural psychological studies, there are several methodological challenges of conducting such research. To conduct systematic, yet culturally informed comparisons, methods of experimental psychology must be combined with methods from other disciplines. At the same time, methods of experimental psychology need to be adapted to diverse socio-cultural context to enable “culture-fair” comparisons.
To address these challenges of experimental, cross-cultural psychological research, we organize the Max Planck Spring School “Methods for the Study of Culture and the Mind”. The aim is to provide in depth training in cross-cultural research methods and opportunities for exchange and networking for early career researchers (PhDs, PostDocs, Assistant Professors) with a background in psychology, behavioral and cognitive sciences or related disciplines who use empirical methods in cross-cultural research." Those interested in attending the Spring School can apply until February 21st. Click here for more information.